Resilience-Focused Interventions

Resilience-focused interventions are the explicit or implicit building of skills that enable individuals to recover to positive mental health following an adversity and include a variety of internal and external factors. While the focus is on promoting positive attributes, a resilience focus has been shown to improve mental health problems such as anxiety and depression. Types of interventions vary and include curriculum-based lessons occurring daily or weekly for varying amounts of time and be delivered by various providers. They could also include school-wide approaches or frameworks that target the entire school population promote resilience. Resilience-focused programs with a cognitive-behavioural-based approach tend to demonstrate a greater impact.  

  • Due to the variety of different delivery options available, the resources required could vary significantly. Regardless of the type of intervention chosen, it is important to consider including support for staff, engagement for parents and caregivers, or considering the best fit for your school or classroom. Engaging with your board Mental Health Lead is recommended.
  • Programs provided to children had a greater impact on anxiety problems that those delivered to adolescents. This may suggest that there are certain types of resilience characteristics that are beneficial for different ages and stages so considering the right fit for the classroom or school is important in decision-making.
  • Based on Positive Psychology Theory

Partner with Lambton Public Health

We don’t have all of the answers. But we would love to hear about your journey to create a mentally healthier community and support you any way we can.

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