Tag: Grades 7 to 8

  • Regular Classes in Outdoor Education Setting

    Outdoor education has been shown to have a variety of benefits across the lifespan. Specifically within the educational context, regularly compulsory school-based and curriculum-based outdoor education over an extended period of time have been shown to have a variety of positive effects on students across age ranges.

  • Resilience-Focused Interventions

    Resilience-focused interventions are the explicit or implicit building of skills that enable individuals to recover to positive mental health following an adversity and include a variety of internal and external factors.

  • Social Emotional Learning

    Increasing social emotional learning is the concept of boosting students’ knowledge, skills, and attitudes to demonstrate social emotional competence.

  • Family-School Engagement

    Family-School Engagement looks at specific ways that a school works directly with parents/caregivers and families to support the student to foster academic achievement or well-being.

  • Recess

    Research shows that recess can also have a positive impact on students’ mental health and academic achievement as well, specifically correlating with increases in social skills, peer relationships, conflict resolution, and even more broadly, school climate.

  • Healthy Body Healthy Mind

    Healthy Body Healthy Mind enhances mental health literacy and reduce stigma by exposing children to mental health concepts at a young age repeatedly through the years. The program encourages children to talk about mental health, promotes positive self-identity, and healthy decision-making.

  • Beyond Images: A Self Esteem and Body Image Curriculum

    Beyond Images is a turn-key curriculum with free online lesson plans for grades 4 through 8 fill a gap in media literacy curricula nationally and include activities that make a positive difference in combating appearance-based bullying and negative stereotypes.

  • Kids Have Stress Too!

    The Kids Have Stress Too!® program is designed to help the important people in children’s’ lives learn to promote resiliency by buffering the impact of stress, and building positive coping strategies to deal with life’s stressors.

  • Mental Health and High School Curriculum Guide

    A complete set of educational tools proven to increase mental health literacy of both students and teachers.

  • Michigan Model for Health

    A comprehensive, skills-based health education curriculum that shares your goal of helping young people live happier and healthier lives.