Mindfulness-based Programs


Mindfulness is the practice of focusing attention on the present moment, non-judgementally. While mindfulness has its roots in Buddhist practices, a Mindfulness-based Stress Reduction program was developed for Western cultures for pain management and has since expanded in its applicability for a variety of mental and physical concerns.

The skills that mindfulness fosters have been shown to have a positive impact in the workplace such as through problem solving, creativity, curiosity and coping with uncertainty which may also have a positive impact on job satisfaction and productivity. 

Mindfulness has also been shown to have a positive impact on the body’s physical response to stress from cortisol hormone levels to nervous system reactivity. Practicing mindfulness not only can change your mood and attention but also your physical response to stress.  

There are many types of mindfulness-based programs which vary in mode of delivery, frequency and length of lessons, type of mindfulness training, combination with additional programming, type of provider. Research suggests that these programs are therefore adaptable across a variety of workplaces and employees.

Mindfulness-based programs often include:

  • Sustained periods of focused attention (ie. Meditation)
  • Body scans
  • Mindful movement such as walking or breathing practices
  • Practice or “homework” outside of the traditional lesson time
  • Often delivered in a group setting
Notes About this Intervention
  • Based on the workplace’s needs, there are a variety of methods of mindfulness that can be offered that could be effective in promoting positive mental health and could range in cost and time resources required.
  • Some evidence suggests that in order for mindfulness-base progress to have the most impact, staff must feel that they are in an environment at work that supports investing time and effort in self-care. When staff feel as though they can’t take time away from work or don’t feel safe/permitted to “be vulnerable” and participate in a mindfulness-based activity, they may be less likely to engage and therefore, not reap the benefits.


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