Mental Health e-Courses
CCOHS courses are unique in that they are developed by subject specialists in the field, and reviewed by representatives from labour, employers and government to ensure the content and approach are unbiased and credible.
Being a Mindful Employee: An Orientation to Psychological Health and Safety in the Workplace
This free online training program is about psychological health and safety in the workplace and understand the 13 psychosocial workplace factors.
Your Health Space
Your Health Space supports health care organizations across Ontario to improve mental health in their workplaces through live workshops and self-directed modules.
Workplace Strategies for Mental Health
Resources for organizational strategies, approaches for people leaders, resources for employees, and assessments, tools and workshops.
have THAT talk
Starting the conversation about mental health in the workplace can be challenging. Learn more and engage others in the conversation at your workplace about mental health.
School-based suicide prevention life promotion initiatives: A resource for community-based providers
This document is meant to build understanding of best practices for school-based prevention, highlight work already in Ontario schools, outline considerations for collaboration, share additional resources, and support decision-making all with data gathered from a literature review and existing guidelines and toolkits.
Mental Health and High School Curriculum Guide
A complete set of educational tools proven to increase mental health literacy of both students and teachers.
Strong Minds Make for Strong Kids: Stress Lessons Curriculum Connections
Based on a constructivist educational approach that recognizes students come to school with previous knowledge, experience and skills related to stress they can share with others and build on.
Beyond Images
Free online lesson plans for grades 4-8 that fills the gap in media literacy curricula nationally. Includes activities that make a positive difference in combating appearance-based bullying and negative stereotypes.