Mental Health First Aid


There are currently seven versions of MHFA available. MHFA Basic is appropriate for most workplace settings. It is a two-day course intended for adults interacting with adults. It focuses on the four most common mental health disorders including substance-related, mood-related, anxiety and trauma related, and psychotic disorders. Participants will become well-prepared to interact confidently about mental health with their family, friends, communities, and workplaces. 

Notes About this Intervention
  • The cost of MHFA courses depends on the method of delivery. Courses are offered regularly across Canada by MHFA Canada team or local instructors. A list of local instructors can be found here.
  • If the available courses do not meet your needs, you may contact MHFA Canada to organize a course in your workplace for 8-25 participants.   
  • Format: Virtual and in-person course-based
  • If the course is arranged through the MHFA Canada team, the course content can be tailored to reflect a particular work environment. This option is not available through an independent, local instructor.
  • Provided by the Mental Health Commission of Canada

This course taught me the skills that are necessary in case of a crisis. I am very pleased to say that this course will help us provide clients with the support they need and deserve.

Course Participant

Over the past 16 years, MHFA has undergone extensive evaluation.

Mental Health First Aid is an international program proven to be effective. Peer-reviewed studies published in multiple countries including Australia, where the program originated, show that individuals trained in the program:

  • Increase their knowledge of signs, symptoms and risk factors of mental health problems
  • Decrease the social distance between themselves and someone with a mental health problem
  • Increase their confidence to help someone experiencing a mental health crisis
  • Can identify professional and self-help resources for individuals with a mental health problem
  • Show increased mental wellness themselves

Click here to learn more about the evidence of this intervention.

Source:  Mental Health First Aid

Partner with Lambton Public Health

We don’t have all of the answers. But we would love to hear about your journey to create a mentally healthier community and support you any way we can.

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