Employee and Family Assistance Programs


Employee (and Family) Assistance Programs are a set of services, resources, and support that is provided by an employer (and more often, an organization that offers EAP services for a fee) to its employees. The types of services that have been shown to be helpful when offered to staff by an EAP include:

  • Personal, external support with common staff challenges including but not limited to:
    • Job-related change and career planning
    • Personal issues such as family, finances, and life planning
    • Health services such as mental health or substance use needs
  • Educational offerings such as in-services or resources related to the above challenges
  • Support for family members of the employee
  • Personalized programs for staff based on their feedback or identified needs

The existence of an EAP, and specifically its promotion by employers, has been shown to increase employee satisfaction, organizational culture, and can act as an incentive for new recruits. EAPs that offer multiple means for accessing support may result in greater use of services.

Notes About this Intervention
  • Courses are recommended for employers, employees, managers, and supervisors.
  • EAPs can be financially resource heavy for employers but multiple models are available from a variety of organizations with differing costs.

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