Workplace Mental Health: A review and recommendations


This Canadian guide provides 5 key recommendations for workplaces to implement to achieve better mental health in the workplace. The document is clear and concise while sharing both evidence and examples of how to promote mental health in workplaces, presenting a business case for mental health promotion in workplaces, as well as recommendations for government. The five recommendations for workplaces to consider are: 

  1. Create an organization-wide mental health strategy
  2. Institute mandatory mental health leadership training
  3. Develop tailored mental health supports
  4. Prioritize the return to work process
  5. Measure outcomes and build accountability

This guide was developed by the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health, an international leader in mental health and addictions research, based in Toronto.

Source:  The Centre for Addiction and Mental Health

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We don’t have all of the answers. But we would love to hear about your journey to create a mentally healthier community and support you any way we can.

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  • Mindfulness-Based Workshops

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  • Mental Health First Aid

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