Resilience-Focused Interventions
Resilience-focused interventions are the explicit or implicit building of skills that enable individuals to recover to positive mental health following an adversity and include a variety of internal and external factors.
Cognitive-behaviour based Programs
CB-based approach provides skills and tools that help to address the thoughts and thinking patterns (cognitive) and related behaviours (actions or reactions) in order to improve how one views their world experience and employs coping strategies.
Psychological Detachment
In the current era where it is ever more difficult to “leave work at work”, there is demonstrated value in psychological detachment, or allowing staff to (mentally or physically) distance themselves from work during non-work times.
Nature-based Interventions
Nature is well known to have positive effects on our mental health and overall well-being but there is also evidence that it can specifically assist in the workplace by promoting positive mental health and helping to reduce stress.
Employee and Family Assistance Programs
The existence of an EAP, and specifically its promotion by employers, has been shown to increase employee satisfaction, organizational culture, and can act as an incentive for new recruits.
Digital Mental Health Interventions
Digital or e-based programs that share mental health information, skill-building, and other resources at regular intervals with staff have been shown to improve mental health.
Yoga Program
Yoga is a unique activity as it incorporates many aspects that have been shown to promote mental health and well-being including physical activity, breathing, sustained focus, community, and spirituality.