Peace Works: Peacemaking Skills for Little Kids (Creating Caring Children) is designed to promote conflict resolution skills with students in prekindergarten through second grade. The implementation structure and number of activities varies by grade, with a range of 30-85 activities available. Scripted lessons and activities cover topics such as listening skills and cooperation, using “I-care language,” understanding and managing emotions, and taking responsibility. The program provides teachers with many strategies for infusing aspects of the program throughout the classroom and within core academic content areas. It also offers additional components for school-wide programs and partnering with families. Initial training for Peace Works typically lasts five to six hours (up to 18 hours) and is not required. A train-the-trainer system to support sustainability is offered.
- Lessons use scripted teach introductions and closing, teaching and reinforcing vocabulary, singing songs, use of teaching aids such as the music CD or puppet, activities, reading stories aloud and student independent work.
- Curriculum manuals and other, supplementary material are available to order online.
- Manuals are available by grade from pre-k and kindergarten through to grade 8.
Source: Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning (CASEL)