Cognitive-behaviour based Programs


A cognitive-behavioural approach originates from a therapeutic strategy initially provided to individuals, primarily with depression and anxiety but that has since been adapted to provide universally. CB-based approach provides skills and tools that help to address the thoughts and thinking patterns (cognitive) and related behaviours (actions or reactions) in order to improve how one views their world experience and employs coping strategies.

CBT-based programs have been shown to be effective in a variety of different modalities suggesting the program is broadly adaptable to many workplaces. A workplace could choose between face-to-face and online, phone-based, recurring, supported by a therapist (through EAP or otherwise).

Notes About this Intervention
  • Resources needed may vary depending on the format of the CB program but due to the nature of the expertise required, an external facilitator or online program will need to be adopted and implemented.
  • Because universal CB programs are based off of individual cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT), CBT may also be a viable approach to offer to individuals who are in greater need of support and is also available face to face or online.

Evidence suggests that CB-based programs can be more effective when combined with additional interventions but the reasons why aren’t entirely clear.

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