Workplace Safety and Prevention Services Resource Hub
Workplace Safety & Prevention Services (WSPS) is a Health and Safety Association, supporting employers and workers in the agricultural, manufacturing, and service sectors, throughout Ontario.
Breaking Free
Breaking Free is a free online support tool designed to help Ontarians ages 16 and up reduce or stop the use of over 70 substances, such as tobacco, alcohol and drugs, including opioids.
LivingWorks is the world’s leading suicide intervention training company and offers SafeTALK training to become a suicide alert helper.
In the Know
In the Know is a mental health literacy program designed specifically for farmers, their families, and those who are involved in and/or support the agricultural sector.
Farmer’s Wellness Initiative
The Farmer Wellness Initiative provides access to free counselling services and tailored mental health support and resources to all Ontario farmers and their families.
Your Health Space
Your Health Space supports health care organizations across Ontario to improve mental health in their workplaces through live workshops and self-directed modules.
Workplace Strategies for Mental Health
Resources for organizational strategies, approaches for people leaders, resources for employees, and assessments, tools and workshops.
have THAT talk
Starting the conversation about mental health in the workplace can be challenging. Learn more and engage others in the conversation at your workplace about mental health.
Workplace Mental Health: A review and recommendations
This Canadian guide provides 5 key recommendations for workplaces to implement to achieve better mental health in the workplace.
Assembling the Pieces: An Implementation Guide to the National Standard for Psychological Health and Safety in the Workplace
Designed to help users understand where to start and how to move their organization through the initial planning stages to full implementation of the National Standard.