Family-School Engagement
Family-School Engagement looks at specific ways that a school works directly with parents/caregivers and families to support the student to foster academic achievement or well-being.
Learning and Professional Development Opportunities
Many organizations may already have resources allotted to staff training so considering how these trainings focus on staff well-being or how they can support staff well-being could be a helpful approach.
Cognitive-behaviour based Programs
CB-based approach provides skills and tools that help to address the thoughts and thinking patterns (cognitive) and related behaviours (actions or reactions) in order to improve how one views their world experience and employs coping strategies.
Mental Health e-Courses
CCOHS courses are unique in that they are developed by subject specialists in the field, and reviewed by representatives from labour, employers and government to ensure the content and approach are unbiased and credible.
Digital Mental Health Interventions
Digital or e-based programs that share mental health information, skill-building, and other resources at regular intervals with staff have been shown to improve mental health.