Students, Educators, & Schools
Education is about more than teaching math and science. Work is happening right now to give students and staff the information and tools they need to be resilient, lifelong learners.
Mental Health Programs in Schools & Classrooms
Universal mental health promotion programs in schools and classrooms can help, not just with students managing mental health problems but with EVERYONE. Evidence has shown these programs to improve: (Centre for School Mental Health, n.d.):
- Grade point average
- School attendance
- Commitment to school
- Standardized reading and math test scores
- Social competency
- Behavioural and emotional symptoms
- Access to care and utilization by ethnic minorities
Investing in students’ mental health pays off in the time, and money, that we spend. Research also suggests that providing students these tools now can help improve their chances of maintaining good mental health for the rest of their lives to continue being active and engaged adults (Taylor, Oberle, Durlak, & Weissberg, 2017).
What Can Educators Do?
As adults and educators, we have a key role to play in supporting students by:
- Recognizing the symptoms of mental health problems
- Refer them to the mental health care system where professionals can help young people to manage their illnesses
- Support them to succeed in the settings that they live, work, and play in
Here are some links to evidence-based approaches you can use to support students.
School Mental Health Ontario
School Mental Health Ontario is a provincial implementation support team. They help school districts enhance student mental health through the use of evidence-based strategies and services. School Mental Health Ontario provides:
- Leadership and guidance about best practices in school mental health
- Implementation coaching
- Tailored, co-created resources
- Mental health literacy for educators and school/system leaders
- Training for school mental health professionals
- Mental health awareness for parents/families
- A platform for student voice and leadership in school mental health
Through these services, they aim to enhance the quality and consistency of mental health promotion, prevention and early intervention programming in Ontario schools.
C.O.M.P.A.S.S. for Schools
Compasses don’t tell us which direction to go but they help us to know where we are and make a decision about where to go. Our COMPASS worksheet can help us to orient ourselves and our work towards becoming a mentally healthier space, step by step.
Programs for Schools & Students
Check out our hand-picked list of programs, curricula, and resources that have been shown to improve mental health.
Partner with Lambton Public Health
We don’t have all of the answers. But we would love to hear about your journey to create a mentally healthier community and support you any way we can.