Sarnia Lambton Native Friendship Centre logo.: three feathers in orange, yellow, and black. and two hands joining

Sarnia-Lambton Native Friendship Centre & Ontario Federation of Indigenous Friendship Centres

The Ontario Federation of Indigenous Friendship Centres (OFIFC) represents the collective interests of 29 Friendship Centres in cities and towns across the province.

Friendship Centres are places for community members and Indigenous people living in urban spaces to gather, connect with one another and receive culturally based services.

Friendship Centres improve the lives of urban Indigenous people by supporting self-determined activities which encourage equal access to, and participation in, Canadian society while respecting Indigenous cultural distinctiveness.

More Resources

  • CAMH Aboriginal Service

    The Aboriginal Service at CAMH provides outpatient groups and individual counselling to Aboriginal people experiencing substance use and other mental health challenges.  LEARN MORE

  • In the Know

    In the Know is a mental health literacy program designed specifically for farmers, their families, and those who are involved in and/or support the agricultural sector. LEARN MORE

  • Farmer’s Wellness Initiative

    The Farmer Wellness Initiative provides access to free counselling services and tailored mental health support and resources to all Ontario farmers and their families. LEARN MORE