CAMH logo: purple lettering with the statement mental health is health

CAMH Aboriginal Service

The Aboriginal Service provides outpatient groups and individual counselling to Aboriginal people experiencing substance use and other mental health challenges. 

The treatment team includes Aboriginal Social Workers and an Elder/Traditional healer, as well as access to psychiatry. The Aboriginal Service blends therapeutic and psycho-educational groups with cultural programming and ceremonies as part of a holistic approach to care. In addition to other ceremonies, CAMH has an onsite Sweat Lodge that can be utilized as part of a client’s treatment plan.

More Resources

  • Nisa Helpline

    The Nisa Helpline is a registered not-for-profit Canadian charity that offers free, anonymous and confidential 12-hr telephone line available to Muslim women across North America. LEARN MORE

  • Naseeha Mental Helpline

    Naseeha Mental Helpline provides the Islamic community with the tools needed to address mental health. LEARN MORE

  • One Stop Talk / Parlons maintenant (OST/PM)

    One Stop Talk / Parlons maintenant (OST/PM) is a new virtual, free, confidential walk-in service designed to help streamline access to mental health support and reduce wait times across the province. LEARN MORE