School-based suicide prevention life promotion initiatives: A resource for community-based providers
This document is meant to build understanding of best practices for school-based prevention, highlight work already in Ontario schools, outline considerations for collaboration, share additional resources, and support decision-making all with data gathered from a literature review and existing guidelines and toolkits.
Project ALERT
Project ALERT addresses the pro-drug mindset of today’s teens and effectively increases their likelihood to remain drug-free.
The Mental Health & High School Curriculum Guide
A flexible resource for educators and evidence shows it can be adapted to different school populations and settings.
Strong Minds Make for Strong Kids: Stress Lessons Curriculum Connections
Based on a constructivist educational approach that recognizes students come to school with previous knowledge, experience and skills related to stress they can share with others and build on.
Healthy Mind Healthy Body
Three Mental Health Curriculum supplements for teachers that are designed for classroom delivery to fill a recognized gap that currently exists in mental health materials.
Beyond Images
Free online lesson plans for grades 4-8 that fills the gap in media literacy curricula nationally. Includes activities that make a positive difference in combating appearance-based bullying and negative stereotypes.
Assembling the Pieces: An Implementation Guide to the National Standard for Psychological Health and Safety in the Workplace
Designed to help users understand where to start and how to move their organization through the initial planning stages to full implementation of the National Standard.
Being a Mindful Employee: An Orientation to Psychological Health and Safety in the Workplace
This free online training program is about psychological health and safety in the workplace and will help employees understand psychosocial workplace factors and what you can do to help yourself and others in the workplace.
CMHA Certified Psychological Health and Safety Advisor
Improve psychological health and safety in your workplaces or implement the National Standard of Canada for Psychological Health and Safety in the Workplace.
Certificate in Psychological Health and Safety in the Workplace
Courses designed for individuals and organizations who are interested in developing workplace strategies, policies and processes.