LivingWorks is the world’s leading suicide intervention training company and offers SafeTALK training to become a suicide alert helper.
Learning and Professional Development Opportunities
Many organizations may already have resources allotted to staff training so considering how these trainings focus on staff well-being or how they can support staff well-being could be a helpful approach.
Nature-based Interventions
Nature is well known to have positive effects on our mental health and overall well-being but there is also evidence that it can specifically assist in the workplace by promoting positive mental health and helping to reduce stress.
Employee and Family Assistance Programs
The existence of an EAP, and specifically its promotion by employers, has been shown to increase employee satisfaction, organizational culture, and can act as an incentive for new recruits.
Certified Psychological Health & Safety Advisor Training
CMHA National offers both the Psychological Health and Safety Professional Certificate and Psychological Health and Safety: The Essentials.
Workplace Mental Health: A review and recommendations
This Canadian guide provides 5 key recommendations for workplaces to implement to achieve better mental health in the workplace.
Assembling the Pieces: An Implementation Guide to the National Standard for Psychological Health and Safety in the Workplace
Designed to help users understand where to start and how to move their organization through the initial planning stages to full implementation of the National Standard.
Being a Mindful Employee: An Orientation to Psychological Health and Safety in the Workplace
This free online training program is about psychological health and safety in the workplace and will help employees understand psychosocial workplace factors and what you can do to help yourself and others in the workplace.
CMHA Certified Psychological Health and Safety Advisor
Improve psychological health and safety in your workplaces or implement the National Standard of Canada for Psychological Health and Safety in the Workplace.