LGBT youth line logo: decorative pink circle with whit text "LGBT". bright pink youthline text beside the circle.

Lesbian Gay Bi Trans (LGBT) Youth Line –

Youth Line offers confidential and non-judgemental peer support through our text and chat services. Get in touch with a peer support volunteer from Sunday to Friday, 4:00PM to 9:30 PM.

More Resources

  • Nisa Helpline

    The Nisa Helpline is a registered not-for-profit Canadian charity that offers free, anonymous and confidential 12-hr telephone line available to Muslim women across North America. LEARN MORE

  • Naseeha Mental Helpline

    Naseeha Mental Helpline provides the Islamic community with the tools needed to address mental health. LEARN MORE

  • One Stop Talk / Parlons maintenant (OST/PM)

    One Stop Talk / Parlons maintenant (OST/PM) is a new virtual, free, confidential walk-in service designed to help streamline access to mental health support and reduce wait times across the province. LEARN MORE