Parents & Students
From pre-school to post-secondary, students, parents, caregivers, and schools work in partnership to support students’ education and well-being.
Mental Health for Healthy Development
Having good mental health, knowing how to cope with life’s challenges, and knowing when to reach out for help are important parts of a young person’s development. Teaching these skills throughout life is helpful whether we will experience a mental health problem or not. Parents and caregivers are not alone in this big task but they do play an important role in this as in other aspects of a young person’s development.
Schools and educators can also play an key role in supporting development. Work is happening right now to give students and staff the information and tools they need to be resilient, lifelong learners. Learn more about the impact mental health programming in schools can have on the Schools and Educators page, at School Mental Health Ontario, or at the Centre for Innovation in Campus Mental Health. You can also go to your School’s or School Board’s website to learn about what kinds of programs and services are already available.
Mental Health at Your Schools
School Mental Health Ontario
School Mental Health Ontario is a provincial implementation support team. They help school districts enhance student mental health through the use of evidence-based strategies and services. School Mental Health Ontario provides:
- Leadership and guidance about best practices in school mental health
- Implementation coaching
- Tailored, co-created resources
- Mental health literacy for educators and school/system leaders
- Training for school mental health professionals
- Mental health awareness for parents/families
- A platform for student voice and leadership in school mental health
Through these services, they aim to enhance the quality and consistency of mental health promotion, prevention and early intervention programming in Ontario schools.