Ontario Youth Suicide Prevention logo: black text with purple, teal and blue dots for the letter i. The word Ontario is in a teal box

School-based suicide prevention life promotion initiatives: A resource for community-based providers


The Ontario Youth Suicide Prevention Life Promotion Collaborative was formed in 2019 to ensure Ontario’s children and youth, and those who support them, have access to current evidence-based, practical knowledge to effectively guide their efforts in suicide prevention and life promotion. The Collaborative is composed of diverse stakeholders with expertise in suicide prevention and life promotion including those from regional, provincial and federal organizations, educational institutions, those with lived experience, and organizations representing youth populations.  

Source: Prevent Youth Suicide

More Resources

  • The Black Youth Helpline

    Black Youth Helpline serves all youth and specifically responds to the need for a Black youth specific service, positioned and resourced to promote access to professional, culturally appropriate support for youth, families and schools. LEARN MORE

  • School-based suicide prevention life promotion initiatives: A resource for community-based providers

    This document is meant to build understanding of best practices for school-based prevention, highlight work already in Ontario schools, outline considerations for collaboration, share additional resources, and support decision-making all with data gathered from a literature review and existing guidelines and toolkits.  LEARN MORE

  • Project ALERT

    Project ALERT addresses the pro-drug mindset of today’s teens and effectively increases their likelihood to remain drug-free. LEARN MORE